Our list of La Paz area stores where you can shop for gifts for your friends and family, and for yourself!
When you move to La Paz from another country, part of the challenge is figuring out where to shop. Most of us rely on word of mouth, but when you’re new to the area and don’t know anyone, it can be tough to find what you need, when you need it. So whether you need to shop for necessities, for gifts for your friends and family back home, or you just love shopping, we’ve compiled our La Paz Area Shopping Guide.
This list is by no means exhaustive. La Paz is a big city, and there are literally hundreds of stores, so in the spirit of the holidays, we’ve focused our list on places to buy gifts. We’ve also included online options specific to Mexico. Don’t see a store or resource in our list? Leave your recommendation in the comments – we love discovering new places!
Want to print the Guide and take it with you? Download it here.
Local Shops & Souvenirs

4Street (t-shirts, hats, beach wear, skateboards, etc.): https://www.facebook.com/FourStreet/
Allende Books http://allendebooks.com/
Angye’s (gifts, gift wrapping, Christmas decorations, etc.) Baja California 1605, El Centenario, La Paz
Anroga Sports: (fishing/diving/camping gear): https://g.page/ANROGA?share
Baja Mark (fishing tackle): https://www.facebook.com/BajaMark/
Casa del Artesano: souvenirs and gifts https://www.facebook.com/casadelartesanosudcaliforniano/
Casa Parra: gifts and décor https://www.casaparra.com.mx/
Doce Cuarenta (Got Baja store inside the coffee shop): https://www.gotbaja.mx/3801-2
Ibarra Pottery (handmade Mexican pottery): www.ibarraspottery.com

Indigo (Art gallery): https://www.facebook.com/indigogaleriadeartefino
La Cava del Patron: wine shop http://directmap.mx/en/la-paz/1119
LPZ T-shirts: locally designed and made t-shirts. https://www.facebook.com/tshirts.LPZ/
La Shop: (gifts, gift wrapping, Christmas decorations, etc.) https://www.facebook.com/lashopregalos
Espiritu Spa (Spa gifts): https://www.costabajaresort.com/espiritu-spa
Foto Miguel (photo shop): https://goo.gl/maps/RQ8H8LYhzScw89N86
Indigo Espacio Creativo: fine art gallery: https://www.facebook.com/indigogaleriadeartefino/
Km64 Rock Shop: (tshirts and more): https://www.facebook.com/Kilometro64/
Mercado Orgánico y Artesanal de La Paz: (La Paz Farmer’s Market): https://www.facebook.com/Mercado-Org%C3%A1nico-y-Artesanal-de-La-Paz-2501008016637408/
Piedras Naturales El Centenario (Building materials): https://goo.gl/maps/vNDJNqR9eRX2r8JY6

Pragma (Color printing): https://www.facebook.com/pragma.colour/
Online Shopping
Pro Tip: If you use Google Chrome browser, you can right click on any page and select Translate to English.

Amazon.com.mx (Prime membership: $899 pesos/$45 USD): https://www.amazon.com.mx/
Baja Classifieds (Facebook Group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/TalkBajaClassifieds
Baja Dogs La Paz Online Store (shop here and help save a life. Proceeds help support La Paz street dog rescue programs.) https://shop.bajadogslapaz.org/shop/
Baja Sur CraigsList https://bajasur.craigslist.org/.
Classifieds La Paz Gringos BCS/Mexico (Facebook Group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/lapazgringosclassifieds
Facebook Marketplace: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lapazgringosclassifieds
Mercado Libre (merchandise): https://www.mercadolibre.com.mx/
Purely CBD Oil (Alternative and Holistic Health Products): https://www.purelycbdmexico.com/
Retail Chains

Ace Hardware (hardware store): https://www.facebook.com/FERRETERIAACELAPAZ
AutoZone (auto parts): https://www.autozone.com.mx/
City Club (membership required): https://www.cityclub.com.mx/
Coppel (department store, multiple locations): https://www.coppel.com/
Dax (discount department store): http://www.dax.com.mx/
Home Depot (next to Liverpool): https://www.homedepot.com.mx/
Liverpool (department store): https://www.liverpool.com.mx/tienda/home
Mas Electronica (electronics) https://www.maselectronica.com/
Office Depot (office supplies): https://www.officedepot.com.mx/officedepot/en/
OfficeMax (office supplies): https://www.tiendeo.mx/Tiendas/la-paz/office-max-blvd-forjadores-de-sud–california-sn/15923
Sam’s Club (membership required): https://www.sams.com.mx/
Sears (department store): https://www.sears.com.mx/

Soriana (department and grocery store), multiple locations. https://www.soriana.com/
Waldo’s (discount store) https://waldos.com.mx/
Walmart (department and grocery store): https://www.walmart.com.mx/
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